‘I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE’ (2010): Four Stars (Out of Five)
Modern remake of one of the most controversial films of all time ‘DAY OF THE WOMAN’ (which was it’s original limited release title in 1978, it was later retitled ‘I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE’ to capitalize on it’s notoriety when it was given a major release in 1980). The film and it’s 1978 predecessor both deal with rape, savage torture and murder. Both films have been highly criticized because of this with critics like Roger Ebert giving both films a zero star rating and calling the original a “vile bag of garbage”. Almost an equal number of supporters (of the original film), including high profile critics, have raised their voices in defense of the film as well, with many labeling it a misunderstood masterpiece. Opposers of the film claim that it’s man hating (with reports of some men walking out of the theater in disgust at both films) and some also accuse the film of glorifying violence against women (for it’s violent rape scenes). Defenders of the films claim the movies are ‘pro women’ feminism and cathartic. People have been debating these issues for thirty two years and they’ll probably go on debating them for longer than that and that’s a good thing. If a movie causes that much discussion you have to give it some respect just for that.