‘Yaanum Theeyavan’ is a crime-drama under the garb of an action thriller. The director gives hints of the film delving into thriller mode on quite a few occasions but the pacing never elevates. The technique of spoon-feeding the aftermath of incidents beforehand also leaves no room for twists (especially during the climax – much ado about nothing!).
The lead pair of Mike (Ashwin Jerome, who looks sturdy while performing stunts but wooden during the mushy scenes) and Soumya (Varsha Bollamma, who gives you a complete Nazriya vibe, both in terms of appearance and acting – ‘cute’ is the word!) indulge in the usual romantic business of fondling and kisses till they cross paths with a gangster (or ‘rowdy’, as Tamil cinema puts it) named Pasupathy played by Raju Sundaram who looks the part, but his voice modulation gives it away more often than not.